Yazar Hakkında

Yaşadığı kent: İstanbul Akademik unvanlar: Doç. Dr. İşletme (Yönetim ve Organizasyon) Çalışma alanları: Bilal CANKIR, has completed his undergrad, graduate and PhD. degrees in Business Administration and Tourism departments. He has studied in Organizational Behavior and Positive Organizational Behavior subjects during his education. He also did a PhD study in at UT Dallas about burnout and organizational citizenship behavior. He was worked as Research Assistant in Kirklareli University from 2010 to 2017. He was worked an Assistant Professor in Istanbul Medeniyet University, Business Department 2017 to 2021. Since January 2021, He is currently working as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Healthcare Management at the same university. Additionally he currently serves as Visiting Associate Professor in İstanbul Kültür University Department of Psychology. His active research topics are Positive Organizational Behavior, Management and Burnout. He serves Deputy Director of School of Civil Aviation and Member of the Board of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Istanbul Medeniyet University. He is Editor of the Journal of Behavior at Work. Bilal CANKIR has numerous peer-reviewed papers and conferance articles. He is also member of The American Psychological Association (APA). Görev kurum/kuruluşlar: İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi Çalıştığı yer / Çalışma durumu: İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi

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